In the dream I woke up in my bedroom. It was the middle of the night and everything was how it should be: the soft whirr of the air conditioning, the yellow light from the hallway filtering in through the not-quite-closed door, and the general sense that everyone else in the house was asleep. And that's when it hit me! Something was different. There was an invisible slide right there in the middle of my bedroom! I jumped out of bed, climbed the ladder to the top and slid down. It was magical because I could see right down to the carpet underneath me. Each time I went down the slide I landed a little closer to the wall until finally I slid right into the wall. Literally. I entered the wall and became part of its two-dimension universe. I couldn't turn my head. I could feel myself flattening. Time and space ceased to exist. My reality became a world of wallpaper, perpendicular lines of orange and blue on a tan background, extending out infinitely. And then I woke up.
Once again, please feel free to take these gifs and post them wherever you like. Check back next week for more gifs and for our first guest artist!
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